Slow living (and slow-adjacent) resources
“Slow living” is an incredibly broad topic that can encompass so much. You may have heard of slow travel, slow parenting, slow fashion and slow food, but what about slow productivity? Slow craft? Slow communities? Creativity, work, self-care, art, gardening, movement, mindfulness, nature, writing, farming, activism… these can all be slow too.
If you’ve been exploring slow for a while, you probably already know what parts of it apply and appeal to you. Below you’ll find an ever-evolving list of links and resources designed to cover the breadth of what slow can be. Dig in and see if you can discover a new voice or a completely fresh perspective.
If, however, you’re new to the idea of slow living and find yourself feeling simultaneously excited and overwhelmed by all the different ways we can (and, if you listen to some people, should) be doing slow living, can I suggest you give yourself a few minutes to think about why you want to slow down?
Is it because you’re burnt out? Your priorities have changed and you need to find space for the things that matter? You want to focus on your mental health? You want to find non-tech ways to relax? You’ve had a health crisis? You’re entirely fed up with the capitalist machine and want to push back against the status quo?
Whatever the reason (and they’re all good reasons) it might help to ask yourself:
What do I stand to gain by slowing down?
What is it about this idea that appeals to me?
When I picture a slower life, how does it feel?
Then, once you have even the vaguest idea of why you’re here, take a look at the list of Substacks, websites, blogs, books and resources below, and follow your curiosity. The slow living community is warm and kind and I can almost guarantee you’ll find someone who writes to your heart.
I’ve tried to loosely categorise these (and it’s very much a work-in-progress) but as I mentioned, slow can mean so many different things, so follow your instinct and see what you discover:
On creativity
Optional Optimism by Jacki Carr - Read: When feeling lost, look around and pay attention
Haver and Sparrow by Charlene Storey - Read: Shetland’s nature is magic and capturing it is my medicine
A Life of Words by Sasha | Frank & Feel - Read: (S)low maintenance friendships
This Naked Mama is Self-Editing by Blissom - Read: Start with your senses
Take a moodle with me by Debs Stott - Read: A reframe for creativity
Reflecting Light by Al Adlard - Read: Following my weird
Kent’s Substack by Kent Peterson - Read: No need for speed
Creatively Conscious by Claire Venus - Read: How I’m using social media and staying intentionally slow about it
Chasing Words and Wonder by Christina Golian - Read: Our brains on music
Salted by Luisa Skinner - Read: I refuse to feel rushed
Entre Nous by Sara Tasker - Read: My future fictional French self
Kindle Curiosity by Sarah Shotts - Read: It’s not procrastination. It’s a sensory reset.
On productivity
Tending by Dr Kate Henry - Read: How to hack a productivity tool
Study Hacks by Cal Newport - Read: Teenage Luddites
Conversations I Have with Myself by Jen Carrington - Read: How I’m supporting my nervous system through my current launch
On going slowly
Gratitude Journal by Alex Elle - Read: Stay True
The Magically Mundane by Hunter Burgtorf - Read: The History of Slow Living
The Haven by Gabrielle Treanor - Read: What’s fun?
Ordinary Magic by Raine Sillito - Read: Deep rest (or what I learned from a week with the stomach flu)
In Praise of Slow by Carl Honoré
Slow Scottish Stories by Molly @ Hippy Highland Living - Read: What I love about being poor (the unexpected benefits of a frugal life)
It Dawned Upon Her by Dawn Gibson-Winder - Read: It’s never too late to bloom
On home
The Spiral Garden by Lauren and Oberon Carter - Read: Are you still waste-free?
the lovely road by Mackenzie - Read: minimalism is not…
Bramblings by Bex Massey - Read: On hygge and mindful baking
On nature
The Nature of Things by Haley Hopkins - Read: The nature of wolves
Cricklewood Nature Journalling by Susannah Fisher - Read: “I don’t have time/supplies/talent/nature to nature journal!”
Black Girl Country Living Magazine by Hillarie Maddox - Read: Care is Essential
A Quiet Moment by Whitney Barkman - Read: How can you live without trees?
On the world
Beyond the Comfort Zone by Renée Eli - Read: Homage to the Buddha of Oakland
SIN PRISA TRAVEL by Elise - Read: Finding solitude in Sweden
The Clearing by Katherine May - Read: The air is full of information
On seasonal living
Seasonal Living with Victoria Harrison - Read: Summer Solstice Celebrations
52 Seasons by Sommer Maxwell - Read: Growing Season
A Life in Progress by Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui - Read: What is an Inner Winter Season?
An Ode to Devotion by Laura Lewis - Read: Ripening
Dark Moon Musings by Tricia D Walker - Read: Drop the facade and release the guilt
Slow Notes with Rachelle Glendon - Read: Why health is no longer one of my values
On opting out
Modern Bullshit by Jess Elefante - Read: QR codes outside my son’s school
all-consuming by Sarah C Grace - Read: Efficiency sickness
The Realists by Elena Rossini - Read: Three key habits to become a successful digital minimalist
Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey
The Unpublishable by Jessica DeFino - Read: The science of skincare isn’t science or care
Simple and Calm by Sophie Ingleby - Read: What if the internet had opening hours?
On food
A Sourdough Story by Chapin - Read: How to build a strong wholegrain sourdough starter
Grow Gather and Feast by Hermione Blackshaw - Read: Miso brothy beans with broccoli and mashed potato
On self-exploration
Rewild by Charlie Rewilding - Read: Resisting the urge to push through
Human Stuff by Lisa Olivera - Read: The aim of timelessness
Hi, friend by Cait Flanders - Read: What are you choosing to let go of?
Blooming Sundays by Zoe Gardiner - Read: I don’t know what to do
Losing Orbit by Cierra - Read: Ctrl + Y
Words, As Fruit by Ẹniafẹ Isis Adewale - Read: I don’t have it all figured out
Initiation Writes by Ryan Rose Weaver - Read: Mothers, Wounds and May Oliver’s Wisdom
Soft. Simple. Still by Samantha Corrie - Read: Creating a softer life for myself
With EASE by Tanya Lynch - Read: 800+ days consecutively
The Simple Letter by Jessica Rose Williams - Read: Letting go of the outcome
Notes on Living by Alicia Kaye - Read: The things we should be doing by now
On living well
Slower Space by Jodie Melissa Rogers - Read: Allowing ourselves to take up space
Creating Spirals by Nathalie Peña - Read: The waxing and waning of having a zest for life
The Healthy Jew by Shmuel Chaim Naiman - Read: Let Go
The Siddique Space by John Siddique - Read: The Path of No Path
On Living Well by Carmella Rayone - Read: Simple Living | A getaway kit
The Wisdom Path by Louise Hallam - Read: Your sensitivity is a superpower
Well, Well by Alicia Mollaun - Read: On rest and why we should embrace wintering
The Cynic’s Guide to Self-Improvement by Josh Drummond - Read: The Portable Ocean
Slow Living in the Big City by Paula Hines - Read: Opening to optimism
Yoga Culture by Dr Kathleen Waller - Read: The 8 limbs of yoga
On gardening
Gardening with Casey Joy - Read: How to Marie Kondo your garden
Milkwood by Kirsten Bradley and Nick Ritar - Read: 6 simple ways to start growing your own food while renting
Lofi Life by Casey Lister - Read: The most difficult plants I’ve never grown
Tiny Garden Stories by Jennifer Singleton - Read: The Thunderstorm
The Garden Well Journal by Claire Gardner - Read: Comparison is the thief of joy
I’ll revisit this list from time to time, but if you have a recommendation for a resource that you think should be included, feel free to drop me a Note here on Substack.
In the meantime, thanks for being here, and take good care.
Brooke xx