Jul 4Liked by Brooke McAlary

I'm excited to read about your next topic! Consumption has been a big topic in our household as we make the final plans for our move. We are planning to furnish our new home with as many 2nd hand items as possible.

On the rebellion side of things, we visited a bunch of big box furniture retailers purely as research for what kind of items we will look for in op shops and on marketplace in Tassie. It sounds lame but it felt very rebellious walking into those stores knowing we would not be buying

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I love the idea of walking into and out of a big box shop without buying as a form of rebellion. So satisfying, like a reclaiming of our agency or something.

Furnishing a new place is tricky. It sounds like you're already in a good place with it though. I can't wait to hear how it goes!

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We've already had a bit of a win. The owners had some furniture they were struggling to get rid of so we scored the bed, bedside tables and a nice plant stand that they included for free with the property. I was expecting we would be sleeping on the floor on our camping mattress while we searched for a mattress so that's removed the urgency on that particular item 😅

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Jul 5Liked by Brooke McAlary

I absolutely love this Brooke. Another term that I think really describes these small acts of rebellion is gentle activism. I love that we can make real and meaningful change without needing to completely drain our personal energy by getting angry and loud. The gentle outward and internal actions that you are taking (including writing this newsletter) are making such a difference!

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It's such a lovely, empowering, gentle, strong way of viewing it Steph. I'm learning that it all matters, and often it matters more than we realise. It's time to value our efforts! 💚

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Gentle activism sounds manageable and kind. Activism seems to have a bad rap these days. It doesn’t always look like action to get on social media. There are people doing amazing work behind the scenes that make a big impact. Very inspiring. ❤️

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Jul 4Liked by Brooke McAlary

Love your rebellions Brooke, outward and inward! I’m work in a professional role in my organisation and my manger’s manager asked me to a lunch meeting on Monday. Over lunch she asked me what I love about my job, what I don’t like about it and whether I’d be interested in a compliance or project management role? A previous version of me would’ve hedged, not wanting to put myself at centre stage. The current version of me, answered every question and said yes and yes to the two roles she asked if I’d be interested in. That was my inward rebellion. My outward rebellion was when she asked how she can improve her performance, I swallowed my people pleasing past and said that a few months ago we were on a video call and she asked for my advice about collecting data. I gave it and she rolled her eyes and huffed when I said it didn’t work the way she had experienced at her last job. I told her on Monday that had made me feel upset because I expected more from her in our professional relationship. I said I wanted to tell her ‘yes’ we could do it that way, but it would have failed. She thanked me and we hugged it out. That was my outward rebellion. We’ll see if either role eventuates after the truth bomb 😝

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Diane, I love this so much. There is such power in letting go of our need to please, to be polite, to say what's expected. You're stepping in to that every time you push back and it's brilliant. Thank you for sharing it - you've inspired me 💚💚

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Jul 4Liked by Brooke McAlary

I love that you swallowed your people pleasing past and spoke up Diane, that’s so brave of you! I’m personally finding people pleasing to be a very hard habit to change. I hope the job works out for you!

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Way to go. Speaking up and being honest can be hard, but so valuable in the long run. ❤️

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This was beautiful and hit the mark. There are many ways to be rebellious and they don’t have to require a huge amount of effort or gain national attention. I think of random acts of kindness. What a gift to take the time to look into someone’s eyes and see them. Instead of looking away, smile. 😃 My quiet rebellion took place while visiting my parents. We don’t align on the political spectrum so I enjoyed some quiet time during the US debate. I shut my door and journaled and read. I refrained from engaging in the chatter the next day with them. I could have argued and pushed but it was t worth my energy. I have kept off social media and kept the radio off. I am concentrating on finding my own joy. From that place I can serve connect and serve others with more love. ❤️ it’s worth saving that energy for creating and cultivating our own joy. 🤩

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Just reading this made my shoulders relax, Blythe. You're so right - we don't need to engage in ways that will ultimately be upsetting, we can protect our peace and still stand for something. And I used to feel like that was cowardly somehow, but I'm learning it's the exact opposite. We hold our energy for other things - ways to help, to serve, to connect and make change. It's hard to do that if we're exhausted or angry.

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I love the idea of holding our energy for what matters. That is perfect! Thanks.

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Love this inspiration to rebel quietly but powerfully! Looking forward to your post on consumption, it's something playing on my mind as well. Enjoy your winter rest, I'm semi-hibernating myself and learning to accept that that's ok.

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I hope you enjoyed a break over mid-winter Rachel! It's not something that comes naturally to me, but man is it helpful. Making my way back to my desk and am looking forward to this term of writing and exploring with everyone. 💚

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Jul 4Liked by Brooke McAlary

"...and sung my guts out."

That's the best line of the whole piece Brooke!

You sound so... so...you!!

Love Cherie

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I loved this too. I could picture you driving and belting out the words. Pure joy. 🤩

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Haha it was very me!

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Jul 7Liked by Brooke McAlary

On the skincare I’m with you! I do mine a little differently but make my own moisturisers - I make two a lemon one and a lavender one and I last made them in spring when the nettles were in abundance so the base was a nettle tea. I also make my own soap with calendula petals from the garden. Love the way it cleared my bathroom of stuff I didn’t need. And it’s not the only way to do it DIY. I’m sure there are a lot more of us out there looking after our skin in non commercialised ways. I read a book by Dr Robbie Roberts on the toxins they put in a variety of cosmetics that was really eye opening.

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These sound so lovely Claire! And there's definitely a spark of joy that comes when, like you, I look and see space in the bathroom cupboard that used to be crowded with products. Yes to these small, powerful rebellions!! 💚

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Jul 21Liked by Brooke McAlary

Looking forward to this Brooke! Consumption is something I’d like to assess. Especially information consumption with this presidential election coming up & everything that’s going on. It’s overwhelming.

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Oh I hear you Katie! The amount of information is completely overwhelming and I know I struggle to find the line between staying informed and staying sane! Looking forward to digging in to this with you 💚

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CAPACITY - I think that should be my word for the next six months - to be honest about it! Also, wrinkles are where the memories and the joy lives, I love them! I watched in baffled amusement a tiktok of a woman demonstrating botox injections, seemed to me to be erasing her story and her emotions which made me sad that our society generally prefers a blank and youthful face instead of a real textured, loving, laughing human - what else are laugh lines but evidence of our joy?!? Thank you as always for you beautiful thoughtful reflections. xo

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I've spent so much time thinking about and readjusting my view of capacity over the past couple of years. I think it's a much gentler way of thinking about energy/output/expectation, because it can ramp up and down as needed. And I hear you on the wrinkles. One of the best things about being in my forties now is giving so much less energy to caring about the "downsides" of aging, and focusing on all the upsides (like not giving a shit about a lot of stuff anymore 😆)

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Jul 6Liked by Brooke McAlary

I have loved this topic, Brooke. You have written about it so thoughtfully and expanded the way I think about what it means to rebel. I’ve done things that may have seemed small but we’re important acts of rebellion in my life. I’ve gone into a bottle shop feeling pressured to buy alcohol and walked out with nothing after saying I didn’t want to drink. I took a week’s leave from my work when I needed some time to decompress from a busy time. I looked at things that don’t work for me and I have changed them to suit me better. This has all meant that I have more energy at the end of this time than I started with. Really appreciate your work, Brooke! I hope you’re having a wonderful break 🌺

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Jess, thank you so much for sharing this. I kind of felt a little bit...flat about my rebellion topic for a while there, unsure if it was having any impact, but by the end of the term I could see that even the tiny things (maybe especially the tiny things?) ripple out in really powerful ways. I can't tell you how much reading your words meant to me and hope you're in a good place at the moment after taking time to decompress. 💚💚

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Jul 6Liked by Brooke McAlary

Love this piece. It really struck a chord with me. You put into words, and into public, so many things I’ve often ‘wondered’ about. Thank you Brooke. ❤️

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Thanks so much Marion! I love how so many of us are curious about the same things. I think that's one of my favourite things about this community — we're all here with questions and hopes and looking for ways forward. So so glad you're part of it 💚

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Jul 6Liked by Brooke McAlary

Your writing is always so on point and relatable. I especially love the point about how we get to choose how we react to the world. Looking for the glimmers and choosing joy. Such an amazing writer!!

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Oh my beautiful friend I miss you!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚

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Miss you too, one day we’ll be reunited. Until then sending you daily hugs xo

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