The Tortoise by Brooke McAlary
The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
Seasonal Living: Episode 7

Seasonal Living: Episode 7

Why learning to tune into seasons (the calendar kind, but also the life kind) can help us to slow down and pay attention

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(The full transcript of this episode can be found by hitting the ‘Transcript’ tab at the top of this post (but please note it’s AI-generated so accuracy will vary).

Welcome to Episode 7 of The Tortoise, the podcast (plodcast!) that digs deep into the possibilities of slow.

You can listen to the podcast right here, or if you’d prefer, subscribe via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your favourite pod-dealing platform.

If you’re new to The Tortoise — Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here! — you can sign up to the newsletter below to make sure you don’t miss an episode of the pod, and by doing so you’ll also receive a slow-living letter in your inbox every Thursday-ish.

In this episode, we dig into a topic that I’ve always been interested in, knowing it was related to slow living, but never fully understanding how.

The Topic: Seasonal living

Seasonal living is defined as “living in pace with the changing seasons throughout the year,” and in that regard at least, I get it. (Which is not to say it’s easy to do all the time.)

But what I was really curious about is how to take the idea of calendar-seasonal living and apply it to other seasons of life too. The ones that don’t change every three months. The internal seasons, the life seasons, the in-built cycles and rhythms that — whether we realise it or not — have a profound impact on how we live, how we grow, how we show up in the world.

We start the episode talking about the weather in Los Angeles (random), and how paying attention to the changing seasons shares a lot in common with slow living. That is, it can impact the food we eat, the activities we do, our energy, our personal environmental impact, our connection to the world around us and the rhythms that drive it all.

From there, we dig into the broader conversation around seasonal living, including:

  • the various seasons we experience throughout life and why many people find themselves resistant to the stereotypical ‘spring, summer, autumn, winter’ analogy

  • the archetypes that mark our transition through adulthood (including the maiden-wild woman-nurturer-wise woman cycle)

  • why I’m embracing my future crone/wise woman

  • how these periods of life can be both an invitation to step into our full human experience and an obstacle to overcome as we figure out our own identity

  • the importance of recognising transitions and allowing them to be messy and difficult and liminal

  • why we are going to be better suited to some seasons and why that’s okay

  • embracing the cyclical nature of internal cycles (menstrual, work, personal, and those of our kids and partners)

  • the question of whether navigating transitions is part of our self-care and whether that also plays into the mental loads we carry

I consider myself to be in a period of transition, as I shift into what’s considered ‘middle-aged’. This conversation has been really helpful in allowing me to feel okay about all of it, but at the same time, has given me permission to let go of the ‘shoulds’ and expectations that come along with it.

There’s something really powerful that happens when we pay attention to and embrace the rhythms around and within us, and I’m certain that the more I explore seasonal living, the more I’ll find its intersection with slow living.

The Links

Below is a list of links discussed in today’s episode. If I’ve forgotten any, please let me know in the comments:

I hope you enjoy this month’s episode. I’d love to hear your thoughts about seasonal living — whether it impacts you, if you subscribe to the ‘seasons of life’ analogy, or whether you also find yourself in a period of transition at the moment.

Also, just a quick reminder that I’ll be taking a couple of weeks break as of next week. (It’s one of the ways I try to live slowly and seasonally, by working to my kids’ school terms as much as possible). The final week of the Self-Care Writing Retreat comes out this Sunday for paying subscribers, after which there’ll be no new posts until October 12.

I hope the next couple of weeks are good for you, and I can’t wait to come back for another season of writing on The Tortoise, where I’ll be digging in to the theme of ‘Letting Go’.

Until then, take good care.
Brooke xx

The Tortoise by Brooke McAlary
The Tortoise with Brooke McAlary
In a world made for hares, spend time feeding our inner tortoise. Welcome to The Tortoise - a podcast (plodcast!) that digs deep into the power of slow.
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