Feb 28Liked by Brooke McAlary

Love this! This is my story, exactly. 💕 My sister gave me a sticker club subscription two years ago for my birthday and this time around I am using them, letting my kids use them, sharing them with friends, sticking them on my belongings and finding joy in beautifying my life with them rather then hoarding them for a perfect moment.

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How Wonderful a point view!!

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Feb 28Liked by Brooke McAlary

Oh yes, exactly this!

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I can SO relate to this - the careful child, the frugal adult, the "I don't deserve this treat".... I've realized it's a scarcity mindset on my part, and it's very hard to move past it once it's ingrained. I'm a work in progress, but it's never too late to be kind to yourself and to know you're worthy of small pleasures. Thanks for a beautifully written post that said it all. <3

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THIS IS ME 💚 The stickers losing their stick down to the empty notebooks. I look at my daughter who has none of that worry and sticks with endless joy and am so thrilled but still have to stop myself from saying “don’t waste them!” - hopefully I can learn a few things from her!

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Feb 28Liked by Brooke McAlary

This ist what I needed today 🥹

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This post hits home for me. Thanks for writing it!!

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I think this whole topic falls into the category of 'things that make me weird' because I've never saved something up for a special occasion in my life, nor have I understood why one would save anything for a special occasion. In my mind I'm either using the thing or it's junk that can be thrown out. Don't get me wrong, I invest in nice things, I just use them is all 🤷‍♀️

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Just grabbed my grandmothers tea cup off the top shelf......ready for tomorrows peppermint tea! Thank you for the reminder!

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A great read! This brings me back to when I kept hold of a bath bomb as a teenager that smelt divine but I told myself that I could only use it before I went on a very special night out. I’m not sure what my definition of a special night out was now but I recall finding that bath bomb a year later and all of the scent had gone from it so I could no longer enjoy using it.

Since then my husband and I received some lovely silver utensils for our wedding day and we kept them hidden away for special occasions for a good few years. It was only when I realised we never actually used them even when we did have friends and family over due to the fact they were out of sight that we got them out and we now use them every single day.

Thank you for a lovely read that provides a lot of food for thought Brooke. I hope you’re recovering well. X

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This is a good reminder and I try to do this. My mom talks about cleaning her grandmother’s house and finding all the things she was saving for a special occasion that apparently didn’t surface in 96 years. Sad on many levels.

Recently at a holiday party I pulled out a very fancy, not used enough tumbler and my friend didn’t want to use it. He said to save it for a special occasion. I told him it was and there was no point in having it if I wasn’t going to use it. He said he rather enjoyed it in the end!

We eat almost every day off our wedding China. I drink often from my great grandparents crystal. I polish the gravy boat that belonged to my great-great grandmother so we can use it. I take a moment to find the joy in enjoying these things.

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Wow, I feel seen to my core with this one! Thank you for this lovely, thought-provoking, and ever-relevant reminder to use the stickers 💜

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Love this, Brooke! What a valuable, important message. I'm pretty certain you and I were the same kid 🤣 so your post resonates deeply with me. A very timely reminder to be grateful and find joy in the present. Last year while decluttering I made the decision to start using our 'good wedding gift dinner set' on a daily basis. It has actually been lovely and using them often prompts me in to remembering where they came from, how long we've had them etc. And you know what, none have broken so far...if and when they do, then that's fine, just another story on the journey. 🌼

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Yes yes yes, we must use the nice things! Thanks for linking to my candle post :)

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I learn so much from Brooke, including new Australian words like textas. At first I thought it was a typo because I had never seen or heard that word before. 😁

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Have you been looking in my cupboards….🤔😂❤️

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