This will leave a gap in my heart, but I’ll relisten, relearn, relive and relove them alllllll - all over again, in the years to come.

Thank you Brooke & Ben, and much Love x 🌿💚

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Oh, this is so lovely. Thank you! And thank you for all your support over the years too. It means the absolute world xx

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Yes - I was just think a future re-listen would be lovely.

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I'm heartbroken but also impressed (and can I say proud? feels a little strange to say to someone I've never met in person, but it's true) that you are moving on in the way that feels right. I'm also over the moon that it's not the end of podcasting for you and Ben. I've been listening to the pogpast essentially since the beginning, having participated in the Slow Home Bootcamp Lite in 2014 (I went and found the old emails... I can't believe it's been so long). I also attended one of the online retreats in 2017. It's been such a beautiful place/space/community for almost a decade, and I'm excited to see where you go next! Thank you both for all your beautiful work.

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You can say proud (as long as I can say that you being proud makes me happy 😆). After quite a lot of thought, it was nice to feel that sense of ease we get when a decision is made at the right time. And I love that you've been there since the beginning too. Those Bootcamp Lite emails! What a blast from the past! Thank you for being here 💚💚

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Having now listened to the last Slow Home episode, I’m so excited for the new iteration. I’m so grateful to have had the pod and your books to guide me through the better part of the last decade - from uni to teaching to a pandemic and many other life adventures. Watching the pod and your work develop and change has been amazing. You’ve talked about your famous people dinner party before if I remember correctly, but Brooke, you’d be on my list (with Cait Flanders, Vicki Robin, Naomi Klein, and a few others to round out the table 😊). So much love to you and your family ❤️.

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End of an era! Thank you for everything.

The poggie played a huge part in my personal evolution. It helped me to befriend myself. Realise and refine my values in my relationships and in work. It was a steady and reliable pillar in the development of my identity during my early twenties and it made me feel like I was apart of a community when I was physically isolated from my loved ones.

Excited to follow along on the next leg of the journey. Xx

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Oh wow, what a gift of a comment Tess. Thank you thank you thank you. Can't wait to see what's next, and so happy you're along for the ride xx

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Bye pogpast! Yes it is sad, but to go forward sometimes you need to ‘kill your darlings’ those things that once served us well, and although they are nice and shiny, they no longer give back what’s needed for you to align with your ‘why’. It reminds me of the time you or Ben said it’s okay to walk out on a movie that’s not sitting well with you, or put down a book that’s not resonating with you. It takes courage to do what you’ve done, and I applaud you.

I’ll never forget first hearing the podcast when you were up to episode 9 or 10, and thinking ‘This is so good, I must listen from the very first episode from the beginning and catch up - oh dear!’

Since then, I’ve painted, cooked, gardened, walked, moved house, and tried many experiments all while listening to The Slow Home Podcast. I’ve preached its values at baby showers, while out to dinner with stress-loaded friends, and constantly to my kids. I’m pretty certain I live a different, better, slower life because of the poggy. So thankyou!! (Virtual hug being sent now). Naomi 🎨

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You are the original hype woman, Naomi! Thank you for being part of the poggie for so long, and for letting us be part of your days. Such a joy to share in all of it. And yes! The phrase "kill your darlings" has been resonating a bit for me lately. Scary, but empowering too. xx

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Oh wow - thank you, thank you for so many years of sharing... The Slow Home Podcast has been a foundational part of my own slow living journey. I've always appreciated yours and Ben's perspectives and your thoughtfulness in choosing guests. So many memories of doing yard work and going on walks and laying in bed listening to the poggie! Will miss it; good thing there's an amazing backlog :)

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There definitely is a backlog! 😆 And thank YOU for being part of the pod, inviting us along on your walks. What a joy to think about! x

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So happy for you Brooke - it's sounding like it's right for you guys. I love that it's been a slow realisation... and you will always be doing something creative and inspiring. It doesn't matter in what form! Sending you lots of love,


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I'll never ever forget the giant boost you gave me all those years ago with my very first radio interview. (You've got a lot to answer for 😆😆) Sending all the love back to you and your fam xx

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The Slow Home pogpast was the very first podcast I discovered (in 2016) and listened to consistently. It will always hold a special place in my heart and I am excited for you all about where the next chapter of the journey will lead you. Thank you for everything!

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Thank you for being with us for all these years! What a trip it's been 😊 I'm really keen to see where the next chapter leads and am so so happy to have you along Emily 💚

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Congratulations on an amazing library of podcasts!

As I go about my day I often recall the pogpast episode I was listening to when painting the shed (Brooke on kids' screentime) or digging the flowerbed (the challenge of lockdown) or walking this path (the outdoor experiment).

Your words have shaped my life in more ways than you could know.

Thank you for all the inspiration and I look forward to the next chapter.

Love from south west England x

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Oh Nicola, that is such a beautiful thing to share. I know that exact feeling with shows I listen to, it's wild to think other people have that for the poggie. I'm so grateful to have had you as part of it over the years and can't wait for the next chapter too xx

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Thank you for so many hours of thoughtful, inspiring, and often funny conversations. I've discovered so many fascinating people and learned so much through this podcast. I'm so sad to see you go but fully support you. I look forward to hearing your voices in my ears again in the future.

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Thank you Holly! Thank you for being part of it all, and for saying we're funny. You're my new favourite person now 😆 When I reflect on the pod, its the people that stand out for me too. The friends I've made, the people listening in... it's all about connection really. So glad to have you here! 💚

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You sound so wonderfully at one with this decision Brooke! Your podcast has had such an influence on my life and my way of being. Thank you so much, and I can’t wait to see what’s next xx

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Thank you for saying that Helen. Ease is a great word to describe how I'm feeling (even if arriving at it wasn't easy). It's nice to land in a place that feels right, and exciting to have something new to look forward to. So glad you're along for the ride! 💚

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Excited to keep following your journey Brooke & Ben! You’re podcast has been a huge part of my life and I’m grateful for all the incredible voices you’ve bought to my ears. Thank you! Inspired by you, I finally published my first Substack post too! Looking forward to spending more time writing in long format and less time scrolling! ❤️

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Oh congrats on the Substack Katie! I love that intention - more writing and less scrolling. YES! 💚💚

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🤞🏻it’s worth reading 😂❤️

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It will be!

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Thank you my beautiful friend xx

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Sharing something that has really helped me:

My Declaration of Self-Esteem


In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me

Everything that comes out of me is authentically me

Because I alone chose it - I own everything about me

My body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions,

Whether they be to others or to myself - I own my fantasies,

My dreams, my hopes, my fears - I own all my triumphs and

successes, all my failures and mistakes Because I own all of

Me, I can become intimately acquainted with me - by so doing

I can love me and be friendly with me in all my parts - I know

There are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other

Aspects that I do not know - but as long as I am

Friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously

And hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles

And for ways to find out more about me - However I

Look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever

I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically

Me - If later some parts of how I looked, sounded, thought

And felt turn out to be unfitting, I can discard that which is

Unfitting, keep the rest, and invent something new for that

Which I discarded - I can see, hear, feel, think, say, and do

I have the tools to survive, to be close to others, to be

Productive to make sense and order out of the world of

People and things outside of me - I own me, and

therefore I can engineer me - I am me and


by Virginia Satir

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Gosh this is beautiful. Thank you xx

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.... and I can’t WAIT to see what this new iteration brings 💚💚🌿

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Brooke. I can only imagine how much energy has gone into making the decision to end the podcast but well done for setting such a good example of how to let go and move on, even from something wonderful. Thank you so much for giving so much of yourselves in the poggie over the years - I love relistening to the episodes and hope they will remain available for many years to come for others to enjoy 💚 All the best navigating into and beyond the next iteration(s). I look forward to hearing, seeing, reading and enjoying your future creations and reflections. 💕

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Thank you so much for your beautiful words Amelia! It means the world. And yes! The catalog will remain available for the forseeable future so feel free to dig back in as often as you'd like. It's been such a delight having you along for the ride so far 💚

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So happy for you guys and sad for me! Evolving life is where it is at and I love how much I have resonated with your seasons along the way. Always cheering you on and will continue to follow (stalk ;-)) you to the ends of the internet. Biggest love xxx

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